Sarah graduated from Otago University gaining a Bachelor of Dental Surgery with Distinction. Sarah enjoys the variety that general dentistry provides and the challenge of working with patients from all age groups, and from all walks of life. Sarah strives to ensure that all of her patients enjoy a comfortable and positive experience. She is happy to spend as much time as needed to achieve a relaxed atomosphere-even for the most anxious of patients!

Sarah enjoys working in a practice as closely linked to the local community, as the Khandallah Dental Centre is. This gives her the opportunity to personally get to know each of her patients, and sometimes the whole family!

Having grown up in the Kapiti Coast, Sarah loves the outdoors. A lot of her spare time is taken up with her two dogs, both Bearded Collies. Sarah and her partner Michael, spend many of their weekends travelling around the lower North Island competing with the dogs at Breed Shows and Obedience trials. Sarah is also a representative on the New Zealand Dental Association Young Dent

Sarah Ebbeling

Mark is the owner/operator of Khandallah Dental Centre. He graduated from Otago University in 1974 and has practiced as a Dental Surgeon in London and New Zealand. Mark has owned and operated Khandallah Dental Centre since 1993.

Marks leisure time mainly consists of friends and family. Apart from Mark's main passion of dentistry he excels as a gardener with an amazing vegetable and flower garden. His flowers are often displayed at our front counter.

When attending Mark's appointments be reassured, that you and or your family members are in the best possible hands. Mark is confident and really wants to see the patient happy by the end of the appointment.

Mark deBerry